Project Update 4

This week's was to get Gibber working on my site and add some audio. I was able to get it playing, but the control panel is still not exactly how I want it. Getting it to play was pretty simple, once I was given the source files.

I was able to get a control panel working, but only with the properties in the sound.

I still want to add chords progressions and song structure. 

After the audio is worked out, I will add a graphic representation of it similar to this:

I was able to get Gibber working by asking Charlie a few quick questions.

To: Nicholson, Joseph B;

Please pass along my greetings to Pat as well!

On Feb 19, 2016, at 10:19 AM, Nicholson, Joseph B wrote: ​

Thank you, Charlie. and Pat said to say hello. 

From: charlie 
Sent: Friday, February 19, 2016 10:18 AM 

To: Nicholson, Joseph B 
Subject: Re: Audio Project 

Hi Joe, Great to hear you’re using Gibber! You can use it as a library in any web page; more info provided here: 

Also, make sure you sign up for the mailing list. I tend to stay on top of emails to the list better than I do to this account.

Best of luck with the project!

- Charlie ---
Charlie Roberts, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, School of Interactive Games and Media
Rochester Institute of Technology

On Feb 19, 2016, at 9:56 AM, Nicholson, Joseph B wrote: ​

Hi Charlie, My name is Joe Nicholson, a graduate student at the Digital Worlds Institute in Gainesville, Florida. My professor this semester is Pat Pagano. For a project this semester I am building a random music generator in JavaScript. 

He suggested I look into Gibber as a way to generate audio for my project. I have signed for an account and I started the tutorials. My hope is to build a random music generator that will allow users to put objects in motion that will generate a song that use common chord patterns. Complete details are developing as they happen. 

My question is can I use Gibber outside of the Gibber site? 

Joe Nicholson 

Project Update 3

1. Finally got my server working again! Now I can upload multiple files and make this work. I have been working with the Gibber site and going through the tutorials:

2. I am currently trying to move this site to my domain and use that as a starting point to build my own site.

But something is going tragically wrong. Still working out the bugs.

3. I am still on track to do what I have set out to with this project. I have made no significant changes to the scope at this time. My objectives for the next few weeks are the following:

a. Finish Audio Tutorials in Gibber
b. Get audio calls working
c. Install a control panel to adjust audio signals
d. Design the graphic representation of the audio signals
e. Integrate the two together

Project Update 2

This week, I have spent time reading "Wired to Create" by Scott Kaufman and Carolyn Gregoire. I have always struggled with my personal creativity and I chose this book as a way to help me 'be more creative'. I am now believing that is impossible because, that is not how it works. I have been called creative a lot in my life, but I always thought that deep down I was not at all creative or that the things I produce were safe or simple...the opposite of creative. Were people just being nice? Am I really a creative person? These kind of questions stifle creativity and absorb it like a sponge. The problem, as I am coming to terms with it, is not my creativity, but it is my confidence in my creativity. My mind jumps around when I am trying to be creative. I bounce from idea to idea. I dismiss too quickly. My mind is messy.

Early thought on creativity was that it was a process that had 4 stages; Preparation, Incubation, Illumination, and Verification. This theory from the 1920's was way too simple for the complexity of creativity. In the 90's there was a surge in positive psychology that has sparked a boom in research on the good things, like creativity, in our messy little minds. There are over 20,000 books on Amazon about creativity and countless blogs and articles. The point is that with this explosion of interest and research we are finally getting somewhere when dealing with creativity. 

One of my favorite lines in the book so far is that creativity is not a sum of characteristics, but a multiplication of them. In the 1960s, Frank Barron, did some research with highly creative people. One of his take aways was that all of the subjects scored very high on tests measuring mental strength and mental illness. This really peaked my interest and I can totally relate. The author went on to identify three super-characteristics of creative people; plasticity, divergence, and convergence. What? How can you be divergent and convergent at the same time? Probably the same way you can be mental strong and ill at the same time. 

Another old notion about creativity is that it only comes from suffering. We all suffer. A common Buddhist saying is that every life is filled with 10,000 sorrows, and 10,000 joys. We all suffer and it is relative to the world that surrounds us. However, suffering is not related to creativity. For some it is an outlet for personal grief or a way of dealing with complex emotions, but has little to do with being creative. We are all creative. We are all wired to create. I think the problem is that we are not all encouraged to create or be creative and in the end the confidence in our personal creativity gets overshadowed and rarely comes to the surface. 

It was a refreshing to read the first part of this book about the messy mind and creativity. I feel like that hit right at home. It gave me some confidence that my messy mind is, in fact, a key trait I have in common with some of the most highly successful and creative people in our history. Creativity is a messy business and putting it into categories, as it may help some with the need for organization, it does not help me be creative. Creativity is a super complex equation that you can not force or calculate, but you can stop it. My goal is to no longer let it be stopped. 

Project Update 1

Update: To begin I figured it would be best to make sure I have a website to host my project. I loaded my last assignment as a test, as I knew that one worked.

I have begun to evaluate how to make this music generator. I have done more research into what others have done and found some very interesting projects. At this point in the project I am still reading, looking, and listening for inspiration.

Project Abstract

This project is going to be a music generation page created with JavaScript. It will be a three dimensional environment in a vast darkness with spot lights on movable objects. Interaction with these objects create sound patterns. For example, if you move them closer together it will have an effect on the music generated. One will represent beats per minute and that object moves vertically. Another controls the melody, and so on. Sending objects into an orbit around the center will change the chord progression with each cycle. This musical landscape will be able to create a song using built in common chord progressions with random generated melodies.

The Process

To begin, I will use JavaScript to generate the landscape, lighting and the objects. The objects will work in conjunction to each other. Proximity of the two main objects will dictate octave. There will be different paths for some of these objects. Some will go up and down, some round and round. One that bounces vertically will generate the beats per minute, or the tempo of the song. There will be an object, much like a comet that passes by every 8th measure, that causes the song to change the progression to what might be a chorus in standard pop songs. Another, far reaching 'comet' which may only come by every 64 measures would be similar to a bridge in a song.

The user will set these objects in motion. Controlling their trajectory and their speed. The result will be a personalized, unique song that will 'feel' personal. My hope is that this is a way to generate a song that is personal, yet randomly generated. I expect my vision to develop as the technology is set into place.

I expect that the Music Landscape will "song" that is very pleasing to the user. I hope that the song will be able to used to create a personal meditative song. A personal song that makes you feel good and you can listen to for long periods of time. With no words and random, repetitive note progressions within the key, that you assign, it should make for a very personal meditative song.